Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Money CAN Buy Happiness

I read this article just now:

"Money CAN buy happiness"
Norton shares an interesting research that he conducted to show how money can buy happiness but the big caveat is it all depends on who you spend the money on. He presents various data to show that when money is spent not on yourself, but rather on others, there are a lot of benefits for the giver as well as for others.
Norton says, "The specific way that you spend on other people isn't nearly as important as the fact that you spend on other people."

This reinforces what I have always known in the Bible when it says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). If all this is true, then why are we so selfish with our time, talents and treasures? I am wondering if some of us who have a lot of "stuff" but are feeling this sense of emptiness and lack of satisfaction is because we are selfish and just too focused on ourselves.

What would happen if we are more generous?

What would happen if we learned how to give more to others?

What would happen if we contributed to the work of the Kingdom?

I would bet that we would, not only find a greater sense of fulfillment, but we would find greater joy and happiness as we see other people getting blessed by our generosity. Let's not hoard things to ourselves. Let's not spend everything we have just on ourselves.

I've learned life like this (and still learning) since 3 years ago, when God asked me to dedicated my life to Him. Time to time I learned how to be a blessing to people around me with everything that I have; not only finances but also with my talents, time and lots more. And I do find happiness there.

Before, I wrote Go feed someone in this blog. I still can feel the happiness inside my heart every time I remember that time. I also still remember few weeks ago when me and my friend invited an old man to had lunch with us, the happiness that we feel is beyond words.

Just last week me and the team (you can read this if you have no clue of what team that I'm talking about: China Mission Trip) were praying and felt to give what we can give to the Lord. Each one of us gave some amount of money. We were thinking to put that money into our trip budget, but then all of us felt very strong that God wants us to give away the money. And we finally decided to give away those money to bless some people that we know. And the result of that action was hearts full of joy.

So do I really think that money can buy happiness? Yes it is, in a good way. We are blessed to be a blessings. And when we are in a situation or stage that we are able to give, then just give and give and we will that joy inside us.

Do we should wait until we are able to give? Mmm, let's read Mark 12:41-44.. It's a story of the widow's offering. She gave all that she had to bless the temple, and I do believe that she gave with with heart full of joy and I also believe that is the result of it.. happiness and of course a treasure in heaven.

So now let's find someone or something (it can be a church, organization, team, etc) to bless and blessed them with what God has given you (talents, finances, treasures, time, etc). Also be faithful in giving to God's work throughout the world. You will not regret it. You will see that God is on the move!

I am not trying to drag you to this case but if you feel led to give or want to be our partner for our Mission Trip to China, you can get involved and send us there!
So far God has provided $2,185.. Praise the Lord. Now we are trusting for $7,115 more.
Again, if you want to get involved and send us you can click here

Thank you so much and God bless y'all!!
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