Thursday, December 15, 2011

Embracing The Moment

I was reading my old devotions today. Somehow it is very encouraging for me. And I want to share it with you all. I wrote this devotion more than a year ago.

None of us like pain, uncertainty, strife or frustation. We want things to run along smoothly. But the challenging and miserable times are not without their aspect of good. Things happen to us during those times that are as precious as diamonds. For it is then that we have the opportunity to experience the Lord's presence in a deeper way. If we embrace the moment, we see Him in it.

Walking step by step with God requires embracing the moment for all its worth. When you are tempted to become fearful, frustrated, uncertain or panicked about what is happening in your life, stop and see that God is in it. And with Him, you have everything you need for this moment. Here and now.

Its amazing that when we open our eyes to the whole picture, we have a different perspective. The bible says, 
"Open your eyes, and you will be satisfied with bread" [Proverbs 20:13]. When we embrace Him, we see the blessings that are right in front of us. We can be content right where we are no matter what state we are in--literally or figuratively--because He is there [see Phillippians 4:11].

Regardless of what you situation is at this moment, God has an abundance of blessings for you. Right where you are, God is working powerfully in your life. He wants you to close you eyes, call out His name, and say, "Lord, show me Your hand in my life." He wants you to sense His presence. He wants you to trust that when you are afraid, you can turn to Him and find His peace. When you are weary, you will find His strength. When you are empty, you will find His fullness. When you are sad, you will find His joy. And when you are in the middle of a raging storm, you will find His shelter and provision. But often we become blinded by our circumtances, afraid of whats happening, easily discourage, drawn toward bitterness or quick to complain. And our first instinct is not to look for God in the modst of our circumstances.

Why cant i have all the light i need right now, Lord?" we cry.

However, God knows that too much light can be hard to take. It can blind and confuse us. He prefers to give us just enought to keep us dependent on Him. In that way, He can teach us to take bigger steps of faith in order to prepare for what He is calling us to in the future.

When we have a deep and personal relationship with the Lord, our difficult times are not the same as they are for people who dont have Him. For unbelievers, their dark and troubled times are without hope. Even for believers who dont understand all that God has for them, their difficult experiences are filled with fear and doubt instead of a sense of God's sustaining presence.

I remember one particular time of great need in my life when i felt deeply lonely. It was the kind of loneliness that is so severe it brings physical pain as well as emotional agony. Because my lonely childhood had turned into a lonely adulthood, i always feared that loneliness would become a way of life for me. Even after i became a believer and experienced healing for the layers of emotional pain i had, it never occured to me to ask God to heal my aloneness. Actually i thought it could only be taken away by the right person. One night, however, i was so overwhelmed that i turned to God. I lifted my arms and cried, "Lord, why must i always be lonely? What can i do to get rid of this pain? You have promised to supply all my needs, and i need you to take this loneliness away."

The moment i prayed, i felt the arms of God surround me in an unmistakable way. I know that may sound strange. It would have sounded strange to me, too, had i not experienced it. But even more amazing is the fact that i have never felt loneliness like that since, even though i have been every bit as alone at times.

I now see any sign of loneliness as a call from God beckoning me to spend time with Him. I know He is not causing my loneliness. Nor He is ignoring it. He sees it and wants to fill the empty places of my heart with His love. As i embrace Hin in the moment, He is always there.

When you take the first step to embrace God in your circumtances, He will go the distance to embrace you.

Whenever you feel angry, sad, depressed or fearful, say, "God reveal Yourself to me in this moment. What are you doing in my life that i am not seeing? If all things work together for good, then show me the good." When you're determined to see the good, you will find it.

If God knows your thoughts [Psalm 94:11], your heart [1 Samuel 16:7], when you stand up and sit down [Psalm 139:2], and how many hairs you have in your head [Matthew 10:30], then He knows where you are at any given moment. He sees your circumstances. Just because you cant see anything ahead doesnt me He cant. He can and He does. He knowes where you've been. He knows where you're headed. He knows where you are supposed to be going. And He knows how to get you there. If you have light for just the moment in which you find yourself, it is enough. It must be enough. For you have Him, and He is all you need.

God bless you abundantly!!

In the day when i cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul [Psalm 138:3]

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