Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Go feed someone

So this morning as I walked outside to have another Jesus time, a stranger walked towards me and handed me a 200,000 rupiah bill; roughly its about $20. He then said, "I felt I should give this to you" and then he left. I was so shocked that I can't say anything. I wanted to say thank you but then I can't find him anymore anywhere. He's disappeared!

Then I talked to Him, and this how our conversation went down:

Me: God, I don't know what it is but thank you so much for blessing me financially like this. I know it is You, God. You know that I don't have any penny right now, so thank you so much.

God: Feed someone.

Me: What? Really? Like literally feed someone today? I thought its for.. Oh well, okay.

God: I blessed you that money so you can bless someone. You said you love me, right? Go share the love.

As I walking around the area, I kept praying to God to lead me to that person He wanted me to bless. Sure enough I stumble upon an old grandma with her granddaughter. They were standing in front of the bus terminal looking so confused  and lost. I humbly approached them if they have eaten yet, they said no, so I offered to buy them food and we went to McDonald's.

After getting our food, we sat down and I just talked to them. Asked them their names , where they were from, and why they were standing in front of the bus terminal looking so confused. She then answered me and told me that she is looking for her daughter, the mother of her granddaughter. And all she have is a paper of her address. She's been travelling from the other part of the Island and running out of money to continue the journey. Later I found out that she lost her house and everything she had because of fire. She's been wondering around in her village staying in relative's house and then finally they kicked her out. And with all the money she had; which not much, she decided to go to Jakarta to find her daughter. She was crying when she told me all the story. I can't help but just feel the brokenness from her voice.

After that meal, I asked her if I can pray for her and her granddaughter. She said yes. And then after that I shared about Jesus and how He will take care of her and how He loves her. As I talking with her I felt so strong to give all the money that I have to her. And to be honest that was hard because if I give it all to her then I will have no money and have to walk home. But then the feeling getting stronger and I decided to give the rest of the money to her so that she can continue her journey to find her daughter. I told her, "Life is tough but always remember that God is good and always good."

I gave them my number and I told them to call me if they need anything.. ANYTHING. I prayed for them again and they left.

I am not trying to brag about myself today, to be honest it was hard in the beginning for me to do what He asked me to do. I was thinking about how I can use the money since I am totally broke at the moment.

But then this simply just a reminder for all of us how everyday there's people out there that are waiting for God, and people like us, as Christians, we are His hands and feet. We need to always deny our personal desires and agendas and make ourselves available to God's calling, EVERYDAY. So that we can bless people. Whether big or small it doesn't matter. God gets the glory, not you or me.

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." James 1:22

Interesting how this was the verse I read before I started my 'day' pretty prophetic. I walked home feel totally full; full of His presence, full of His love. And this feeling is the result of just simply obeying God. And to obey God means, to abandon ourselves and let God take control of our lives. To challenge ourselves everyday, to empty our cup that is full of sins, empty our lives and allow God to fill your cup, your life with His Holy Spirit and with His purpose.

That old grandma and her granddaughter, they were standing in front of the bus terminal didn't know what to do. I believe they were praying and asking God to help them, and God listened. He always does. He sent His help miraculously, not only to help that grandma; but also at the same time teaching me more to trust in Him.

I walked home with empty pocket and wallet but then I know at the same time I walked home with joy. I know that my cup is overflow with God's love and I am beyond happy that I can share it with others. God says, "Do not worry about tomorrow"; so I decided not to worry about what will I eat or how will I go and will I afford to do things tomorrow because I know He knows exactly what I need and will give it to me in His perfect timing. Just like how He did to that grandma and her granddaughter today.

And when I arrived at home (after walking about 30 minutes, not bad), another verse popped in my head.

"Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:11-13

Today I experienced it. I was walking around this morning having a Jesus time asking Him if He is aware with my finance situation that I almost cannot afford anything at the moment. Then miraculously a stranger gave me money that will be enough to cover my living cost for few days. And then He asked me to use the money to feed someone, and I ended up using all the money that I have to feed and help an old grandma and her granddaughter. I had to walk home with empty pocket, but now with new attitude. I trust Him now without any doubt that He will take care of me and my needs. That I can do all things with Him.

And at the same time I am thinking of the stranger that gave me the money. I do not know his struggles but I believe that he is blessed.

We are blessed to be a blessing. It doesn't matter how big or how small as long as we obey Him. Because what we have it's not actually ours, it is His.

And again now I know that my cup is overflow, with His love. And I wont worry about what will I eat tomorrow and how can I afford life tomorrow, because He is there already and He will take care of everything.

And just now before I write this experience down, I read this:

And that is my prayer for today and the rest of my life. Because I believe when we give everything.. EVERYTHING to Him then we will experience the greatest love and miracles in our lives.

May all of us blessed to be a blessing to people around us. Because even your little obedience will help someone's life.

May all of us ready to give ourselves to the One that actually the owner of our lives. To abandon all of our desires so that He can fill it with His.
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