Monday, April 23, 2012

Matthew 25:35 Project

I met an atheist guy last Saturday. I sat next to him and listened to his story for more than 2 hours. He was a Christian, a worship leader before; but now he chose to be an atheist because of us, Christians.

One thing that he said over and over again: “Christians only know how to say let’s pray or let me pray for you or you go and pray or pray and God will help you. And when I asked them for a help they said pray, God will help you. That’s all.”

And that sentence hit me right on my face. I know praying is one of the ways for us to get closer to God; to talk with Him, to share what’s inside our heart with Him, to say thank you to Him, everything. We also pray for others; for their needs, for provisions, for safety, for love and lot more. I love to pray and I enjoy pouring out my heart to God.

“And when I asked them for a help they said pray, God will help you. That’s all.”

I actually can stand beside him and say that I agree with him in this case. I don’t like that kind of Christians also; people that only talk about bible but then never do anything in reality. Those kind of people are not the real follower of Jesus, I believe.

If you want to know the detail story about that atheist guy you can click here

We are blessed to be a blessing; not only in finances but in any way. Jesus teaching us to love each other like we love ourselves but what happen with the world today? We love ourselves more than Jesus.

How so? Maybe you think “I love Jesus, I go to church every Sunday, I sing worship song….” But I personally think it is not enough.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me… Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.” Matthew 25:35-36,40

It is written in the bible. Jesus said that. Again, we are blessed to be a blessing. I am blessed to be a blessing.

Those 2 hours of conversation with that man makes me think until today. Yes I do think about how to bring him back to God; but I also think about how can I be a better person, a better Christian, a better daughter of God.

I believe when God created this earth, He gave us enough recourse for millions of years. But then look around us; how come there are people with lots of money and totally rich beyond imagination and also at the same time there are people that doesn’t have anything. It is because of us humans. We are greedy.

I don’t want to be greedy. I don’t want to be rich if it’s going to make me careless about others. I just want to have enough, enough to share it with others. I don’t want to only pray for others, but I also want to help them when I am able to help. I want to be available to God to use me as His hands and feet.

And that’s why I write this post. In here I promise I will be available to God to use me no matter what. I don’t want only to pray, I want to do and help as much as I can.

And I know that God is not only calling me to do this, but He want every single one of His children to do this. Let us abandon our own desires and agendas and just obey Him and let Him fills our cups.

Let us be available 24/7, let us give as much as we can, let us love with all the love that we have. Let’s make this world a better place. And I know it’s not only a dream, it is something that is very possible to do.

You know what I want to do right now? I want to feed people; not only someone but lots of people. Last Wednesday God has blessed me with an opportunity to feed an old grandma and her granddaughter. And it was more than just a lunch, God taught me a lot that day. And last Saturday me and my friends had a chance to share little blessing to an old man. It’s not much, but for him it’s a lot. It’s just a simple meal, but for him it’s a food that he cannot afford. It’s just a little help, but for him it’s a strength to continue the day.

There are so many homeless people in this town called Jakarta. There are so many children without home and education. Every day is another battle field; it is a battle to be able to survive another day.

And this time I would love to invite you to join me to do something little yet big for a lot of people. I would love to invite you to participate in “Matthew 25:35” project. It is a project where we will do something for Him; to give food to the hungry and drink to the thirsty. We will pray for them, but not only pray but we will do something.

I know it’s not an organization based project, but if you feel led to be part of this project please let me know (by comment, or email or through facebook). And I won’t mention any amount in here, because I want you to be free to ask God how much He wants you to give the money and blessing back to Him :) because well, it is His anyway.

Or if you’re ready to do it now just click here, Matthew 25:35 project to donate.
I will post all pictures and all stories of each person who receive this blessing from you.

Please help me to make this come true. Let us work together for this :)
I think it will be awesome if I can say to the person that his help comes from people in other side of the earth.. Just because they are loved by our Father.

You can feed someone, or you can even feed a dozen or more people.

Yeah, let us feed the hungry!!
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