Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fall in love with Jesus?


How do you fall in love with Jesus?

I think it's the same...

The same way you fall in love with anyone else.

They show interest in you, and you show interest back.
Someone initiates a conversation, and begins investing their time.
Talking to them becomes a priority because there’s something there that you don’t understand yet, but just want more of.

They write you a love letter, and you read it over and over.
You write one back.

You make them priority in our life, and begin carving time out of your daily routine because you want them. You want their attention, you want their love, and you want to know who they are and how they work.
You sacrifice something here to show you care more for them than that, and you give up something there because you want to know what will happen if you spend just one more hour with them now.

You share your secrets with them. You tell them the best parts, the worst parts.

Give a little time every week, and you’ll find you want it more than just of Friday or Saturday nights. Give them a little time every day, and you’ll wonder why you thought that one thing was so important.
You talk about the things you rather not, but kind of do – just to see if they’ll still want you.
The more you invest, the more you’ll love.

This is what we were supposed to understand when we heard, “Where your treasure is, your heart will be also.”

Somehow we turned it into a currency of money instead of currency of time and intimacy.
Spend all your money on a person, and that’s a cheap reason to stay.
Spend all your time and secrets on a person, and that’s a heart you won’t be able to leave.

Invest your treasures in Jesus, and you heart will follow.

Few of us love at first sight; we need beauty, passion, or interest to slowly reel us in.

Stop waiting for Jesus to be any of these things for you; He already has.

Beautiful enough to design the mountains and rivers for your admiration, passionate enough for you to die, and interested enough in you to sell off the whole world for you.

He wrote down His entire life story for you, a love letter thousands of pages long – just so you would know Him and fall in love with Him.

He fell in love with you before first sight.

And He’s stopped at nothing – not even death – to show you how much He wants you.

He’s waiting for you to start falling in love back.
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